Homemaking in the School Year: How I've Gone from Drowning to Discipling!

With the school year kicking off this past month, the O'Malley house has been thrown in to a state of what I would call a joyous chaos. Joyous, because as a virtual teacher/tutor who works from home, the Lord has still been faithful to deliver work for me and our family, and that I have to praise. And, well, chaos, because while being a homemaker is challenging enough, now throw in blocking off at least half of your day for work, WHILE wanting to disciple (walk alongside and lead toward Christ) an almost four and two year-old. I quickly realized that I had made a huge mistake in preparing for this season, and I believe it is a common mistake that can cause very avoidable burnout in so many moms. . .

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Your Shelves Are Fine if You Don't "Restyle Them for Spring"

The role of "influencer" has overtaken social media over the last few years. Open up any social media page and you will find the latest cleaning hack, workout plan, DIY project, and self care promotion. Now I have certainly taken advantage of some of these tools and tricks that have crossed my screen because it truly is helpful! However, all good things in moderation, right? What happens when we are constantly bombarded with the latest trends? We fall into a state of comparison. And while this comparison is usually referenced to us women comparing our physical appearances to others, I have also fallen victim to comparing my home to others as well. I see the latest home trends, renovation ideas, and decor influence and can't help but look around and covet what someone else may have in their home. Thankfully, the Lord not only convicted me of this jealousy and discontentment but faithfully DELIVERED me from it. So, I'm here to tell you, sis, your shelves are fine if you don't "restyle them for Spring".

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I Don't Let My Kids Jump on My Bed

It's been THAT day. One child is screaming because they can't put their shirt on by themselves but refuse help. One child is screaming because they want milk in a different cup. And once you resolve those separate issues, they're screaming at each other. Oh. And it is only 9:30 in the morning. You can't breathe, and honestly you don't even WANT to be mom today at this point. It's then, that both kids run into your bedroom and begin their scrambling ascent to the top of your bed. The bed that you made as soon as you finished your first coffee, bringing order and peace to a small portion of what would be your tumultuous day. The pillows are flung to the floor and the blankets pristinely placed now in disarray. I can already hear the criticism. "Let your kids be kids! They need to explore their environment! They need the outlet of energy! Is it so inconvenient for you to pick up your pillows after they're done playing? Is it that bad if your room is a little messy because your children are thriving in their environment?" And to ALL of the mom peer pressure, I will say...

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Leaving the Net: Choosing Discipleship in a World That Chooses Itself

"People will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people." 

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Attacking the Enemy with His Own Weapon

We all go through seasons of spiritual growth, thriving, as well as attack. These attacks can be small and derail us for a brief moment, or they can come at a larger scale. Large enough to the point where you feel like you at war over control of your own mind, and you may even feel like you’re losing. Unless we are aware of what God’s truth says, and the reality of what Satan is capable of and not capable of, we run the risk of giving the enemy more credit than he deserves. We also risk not being able to properly defend our minds and capture thoughts before we create a weapon ourselves and hand it over to Satan to use against us.

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Who Are You Really Worshiping?

I remember my sixth-grade talent show as clear as day. I sat in an auditorium chair behind a makeshift stage curtain, picking my nails down to the quick (an anxious habit that was once my mother's to redirect, is now my husband's). I had sung karaoke in our garage on Friday nights, but this was the first time I had sung in public to this extent, and I would be lying if I said some sort of fire was not lit within me. I mean, what young girl doesn't choreograph dances with her friends, and fantasize about performing in some glamorous outfit? As years continued to pass through junior high and high school I was encouraged by family and close friends to pursue singing, which eventually led me to auditioning and leading worship for our church's youth ministry. What started in youth ministry led to leading for main services, and even recording some worship songs with our worship team. But while a teenage girl far from the Lord was singing his praise and basking in the stage light, the Lord was laying the foundation to teach me the most valuable lesson I would learn about worship.

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Leaving the Comfort of Lukewarm

      Over the past two years, I never would have used the word “lukewarm” to describe my faith, but the Lord has recently shown me how in such an antagonistic society, lukewarm can easily disguise itself as being on fire. And that’s where I found myself at the Lord’s feet.

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